End Polio Now

Rotary and its partners are on the brink of eradicating polio.

A strong push is needed now to end this tenacious disease once and for all. Contributions support immunization campaigns in developing countries where polio continues to infect and paralyze children.

Children are being robbed of their future and compounding the hardships faced by their families. As long as polio threatens even one child anywhere in the world, children everywhere remain at risk.

Since the PolioPlus program’s inception in 1985, more than two billion children have received the oral polio vaccine. But Rotary’s work is not done: the disease has not yet been eradicated.

Rotary Global Grants | Fighting Disease
End Polio Now | Rotary Current Project

The Costs of Polio Eradication

Upwards of $1 billion per year from all sources are needed in donor contributions to fund the final eradication phase. This level of expense is expected to decrease as wild polio virus transmission is interrupted in the four remaining polio-endemic countries and outbreaks in previously polio-free countries are reduced. The budget for the Global Polio Eradication Initiative is revised quarterly to reflect changes in epidemiology as well as financial contributions made by Rotary and other donors to the program.

End Polio Resources

End Polio Now | Rotary Current Project

Contribute to Polio Eradication

Did You Know?
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation continues to be our most important partner in the battle to eradicate polio. They currently match up to $35MM of Rotary donations every year!

Make a difference with a one-time gift or enroll in recurring giving to help End Polio Now.

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