Young Professionals


The District Young Professionals Committee is focused on driving an increase in young professional membership across District 6930.

Rotary faces a crisis of stagnant membership numbers across the enterprise. Our membership is aging and young professionals represent an area of significant weakness. District 6930 reports show that only 6% of our membership is in the under forty age bracket. There are a variety of reasons for this trend:

•    Young professionals find Rotary to be antiquated and it’s mission opaque.

•    Young professionals struggle with the time and financial commitments required.

•    Recent generations have become more transient, changing careers and moving geographically with greater frequency.

•    Non-profit and community organizations have become increasingly prolific in number and granular in focus. Rotary is fighting to remain relevant within this sea of options.

Rotary as an organization is cognizant of these challenges and is actively working to solve for them. District Governor Eric Gordon created the Young Professionals Committee with the purpose of addressing young professional membership in District 6930.

This committee began by creating a survey questionnaire, intended for all 6930 members in the young professional category, which we deemed to be under age forty. The purpose was to gain an understanding of what brought them into Rotary and what keeps them involved. We wanted to clarify Rotary’s Value Proposition for today’s young professional.

The survey results were distilled into a short presentation. You may find the survey itself by clicking HERE, and the presentation by clicking HERE.

It would be my pleasure to come to your club to present this in person. You may reach me at:

Michael F. Walstrom
District 6930 Young Professionals Chair
(561) 699-4463

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